Get to the root of your marketing challenges and tackle them head-on. No strategy means inconsistent results. Together with your team, we’ll create a powerful brand strategy built to stand the test of time.
A complete guide to bringing your unique brand to life through the language of your copy, visuals, social media tone, and overall brand character across your business.
Creative ideas and concepts for embodying your brand in every customer interaction. From website UX and client communication to marketing strategies and the feel of your showroom, store, or reception.
Most importantly, Flaunt will uncover your Wow Factor. That special something competitors can’t replicate, driving customer loyalty and referrals. We’ll make you proud to Flaunt It.
In-depth market research provides a helicopter view of your industry and identifies key success factors for the market leaders. We analyse your top competitors and offer key innovation possibilities. Plus get an insider's view of your brand with a full investigation into your digital footprint—see what your customers see.
A deep dive into your key customer personas allows us to develop a marketing strategy that caters completely to their needs. By understanding how each customer thinks, feels, and acts, we craft a targeted approach that attracts and engages an audience primed to convert.
Flaunts renowned creative team will present a selection of strategic brand positions, each crafted from insights gathered in earlier stages. This document is packed with creative brand ideas—covering texture, environmental aesthetics, image selection, and graphic inspiration.
Our unique Brand Identikit showcases a position that captures your new identity in a way that deeply resonates with your customers. The identikit offers communications concepts such as potential documentation, website graphic references, stock imagery messaging and tone of voice.
We provide suggestions that totally align to your brand position to ensure the tactics employed reach the right people, at the right stage in their purchasing journey. Our independent and impartial advice focuses solely on what works best for your strategy, with no bias toward specific tactics.
Without a bold, clear and persuasive foundation of differentiated communications, your marketing budget is hit and miss at best.
Since 1995 we have worked with executive teams to build brands that deliver legendary success. Our work spans across many industries from luxury brands to aged care, B2B to FMCG.
We work from Melbourne Australia, but deliver strategy globally.
Well-connected, experienced, creative and energetic, Sharyn has brought lateral ideas, new trends and unexpected conversations to hundreds of clients. Some say working with Sharyn makes clients feel both safe and nurtured, but somehow also disturbed and uncomfortable. After all, magic is made outside of your comfort zone.
Graduated from the first intake of Bachelor of Communications at RMIT in 1994
Over 35 years of experience in marketing, communications and strategy
Previous National PR Manager at Coles Supermarkets
Deloitte Digital Specialist 2020-2023 Enreprenuers Program
Founded Flaunt in 1995
Still proudly indepentent
Previous multiple Board Memberships in non-profit sector